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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

What Blogging Gurus Don't Want You To Know

When it comes to blogging there are a lot of things involved but the fact of the matter is there are a lot of things that guru's don't want you to know. When you think of a guru you probably think of somebody telling you every secret and how to take your blog to the next level but the reality of it is gurus have certain secrets that they don't want ordinary bloggers to know. What are those secrets you ask? That is exactly what I am going to teach you today but just understand that with these few blogging secrets you will be able to make cash online like never before.
What blogging guru's don't want you to know
RSS Feeds are a must - When it comes to getting traffic and making money one of the things you must have is a RSS feed and the reason is because you don't even need people to come to your site in order for you to make money. What most people think is an RSS feed is just a email that gets sent to you but the truth is it is free marketing that if you are not taking part in then you are missing out.
Establish a network - What every blogger has in common is they belong to some kind of network, even it if is just a few guys that they get together with every month to talk about new projects. The reason you need to establish a network is because you want people who you can go to for support and most importantly name drops. The nice thing about having a decent sized network is the fact that your other group members will drop your name every once and a while and give you a link.
Guest posts - This is not really a secret but since most people do it wrong I wanted to bring this up. What you need to understand is the more guest posts you have online the higher your blog value will be. For instance if you want to write about blogging the best website to get on would be All you have to do in order to get a decent amount of traffic is write a few good guest posts each week. The secret here that most gurus use is their network or friends and other blogs that follow them, what you want to do is email bloggers you know and see if they will publish your guest post. The reason you want to do this is because it is a lot nicer to be able to email somebody when you are ready for a new guest post and simply ask them to publish it on a certain day. The one thing that you need to always remember is the better your writing and the more posts you have means you will get more traffic

Blogging For Traffic - What Your Blog Needs First Before You Will Reap Any Traffic Benefits

Blogs generate huge volumes of traffic, particularly blogs that are updated regularly, are interactive and filled with comments by readers. Some blogs have built up regular followers who give feedback and even one blog post can attract a large readership depending on the interest the topic generates.
To get traffic, your blog must possess the following:
  1. The blog must be user friendly, interactive, informative and useful to the needs of the reader. When someone comes upon your blog, what are their first impressions? Can they find what they are looking for? Is it easy to navigate? Does it contain up to date and relevant content?
  2. It should target a particular audience and be receptive to their needs. Does it answer their questions, is there a way for them to contact you for more information?
  3. The blog owner should build up a relationship with its readers and always offer value either through the content of the blog post, a free giveaway etc. How well was your question answered? How well were other questions answered? Is this someone you can relate to and would you be willing to come back again?
  4. The blog should contain links so that the blog post can be passed through social bookmarking methods. These comprise a variety of social bookmarking plugins such as Tweetmeme, Sociable, Digg, Follow Me On Twitter etc which can be put above or below the post.
  5. It should contain an RSS feed source as some people prefer RSS format for reading.
  6. It should be topical and ideally write on a topic that is current and that people are generally interested in. If people are talking about it, they will be interested in reading about it too. Note: Check out sites such as Ask Jeeves, Google Insights and relevant forums. When using forums, check out the number of posts, threads and comments for popularity and write about your observations.
  7. A number of plugins to assist with traffic generation is essential and very easy to install. A few that I would recommend are All in One SEO, Google XML Sitemaps, No Follow Case by Case, Sociable, Subscribe To Comments, AdSense Deluxe, What Would Seth Godin Do? There are so many more out there. Just type in "top plugins for traffic" in your browser window to get a list. I will address the most popular ones in detail in a separate post.

If I was to leave you with a final tip and tell you the most important thing a blog must have, it would be "fresh content". Your regular readers will dwindle if you do not encourage them to come back and new readers like to see blogs that are dynamic, responsive and reflect a real presence of someone actively participating in their blog.

Blogging For Beginners - How To Make Money Blogging

How can you make money by blogging you probably ask yourself time and time again, right? Better yet if you are a complete beginner, which I will presume many who read this will be, you might even be wondering, what is blogging?
So you have heard people talking about blogging and better yet you have heard that some how these people manage to make money by doing so. Is this all fluff or is there someway that anyone, yes even you, can get a piece of the pie?
Does it matter if you are male or female? No, Statistics show us that 50.9% of bloggers are female and 49.1% are male. Better yet 61% say the reason they blog is to supplement their income! And really, if I had to guess, I would say that is pretty much the only stat you are interested in!
That's all well and good but you still don't know what blogging is exactly, correct?
We have nearly all come across a blog at one stage or another on the internet whether we realised it or not. Simply put, a blog is an internet journal that records whatever happens to be on the writers mind at the time. That is really all they are!
Blogs are typically written in an informal tone, as if the writer is having a friendly discussion with their readers. Even though blogs have exploded in popularity recently, still very few retailers realise the potential that having a blog can have in driving sales for their internet business.
That's briefly what a blog actually is
But how can someone like me and you actually see some of the green from blogging?
First you got to know where to start. You can't make money from blogging unless you have a blog!
Here is very briefly how you can begin blogging, by this evening if you want:
• You will want to sign up with a free commercial service ( or
• You will want to begin blogging!!
What do you blog about?
That is up to you. However, lets presume here that one of the ways you are hoping to make money through blogging is to promote affiliate products.
You will find a product you are interested in promoting, have a look at it, do some quick research on it, learning as much as you can yourself and then in your blog you take what you have learnt and write it back out in your own words. Simple but very effective
This does two things if done correctly
1. It gives you top informative information for your blog, (which is what draws the crowds)
2. More importantly, is positions you as an expert adding more perceived value to your blogs
So now you know what a blog is. First step is to set one up and begin blogging. Second step is to get people (traffic) to your blog, I have a tip, as a little bonus at the end for this step. Third thing you want to do is use your blog site to make you some real money. Here's a few ways how,
• Sell ad space on your blog. Basically if you are blogging on a particular subject and your blog becomes popular, other people trying to make money online in the same subject will want to advertise on your blog. They pay you and you litterly don't have to do anything different to what you always do
• Amazon! With this you will advertise Amazon products on your page. People visiting your page will click on the links and be sent to Amazon via your personal link. If they buy anything on Amazon you get paid!
• You can also sell items straight from your page. A good example would be an eBook that is on the same subject that you are blogging on. This is very effective as the person reading your blog is already interested in the subject matter.
TIP: A very effective but simple way to increase people visiting your blog is to go to a forum on the subject you are blogging on and simply reply to some of the questions being asked. Even if you don't know the answers, research them. You will be surprised as how easy it is to find answers to some of these questions.
The reason for this is to once again to position yourself as an expert in the subject and more importantly every time you post an answer to someone's query you can link back to your website or blog!
So you have reached the end of this short article. If you take what was shown to you and actually implement it you will indeed make money from blogging. How much will depend on how much work you put into it.
A trick with making money online is learning as much as you can about the whole process and more importantly implementing what you have learnt. There are no magic formulas to making money online. It is done by you and me taking the time to learn and implement. Sadly this isn't done by about 95% of people who think that a magic 'push button' formula is actually out there
Sean Doody is a full time internet marketer
Sean spent months learning how to set up a sustainable online business from scratch
Sean found that one of the very first steps was to set up your own simple one page website!

Installing a Fence: Wood or Vinyl?

Fences are seen in almost every neighborhood around our country. Homeowners choose to install fences for privacy, containment, security, and to mark their property line. Choosing which building material to use can be quite difficult with so many great options available on the market. Vinyl and wood fences are among the most popular choices as both offer unique and appealing advantages.
Wood Fencing:
One of the biggest advantages of using wood is the fact that it is a natural product. It blends easily into the trees natural areas already present in your yard. If left unpainted, it becomes a part of the landscape. Unlike vinyl fencing, wood is biodegradable and can be broken up and use as firewood rather than taking up valuable space in our nation's landfills.
Wood is one of the most durable and long-lasting natural resources available. Even the harshest weather conditions are no match for a properly installed wooden fence. With very little maintenance, your wooden fence should last for many years. If damage does occur, one or two planks can be easily replaced without having to replace the entire structure.
Wooden planks can be easily trimmed or altered to change the entire look of the fence. Homeowners can sculpt the wood into a design that they find appealing. Also, a wooden fence can be designed to fit in unique and uneven spaces. This ability to customize the look of the fence is a distinct advantage over other building materials.
The initial cost for a wooden fence is much less than that of a vinyl fence. However, there are some maintenance costs associated with wood. It will need to be stained and some posts may need to be repaired or replaced if they should happen to rot or warp.
Vinyl Fencing:
Recently, vinyl has become one of the most popular materials for fences due to its numerous advantages. One characteristic that homeowners appreciate about vinyl is that it is virtually maintenance-free. Spraying it off with a garden hose will wash away dirt and grime that accumulates over time. Vinyl will never need to be repainted and will not lose its luster. Plus, it is made from a stain-resistant material and will not rot like wood.
Vinyl fencing is completely safe. It is non-toxic, non-flammable, and will not crack or splinter. Since vinyl is quite flexible, it will not break or collapse in high winds or storms.
There are a variety of styles and designs available. Whether you desire an ornamental or more traditional fence, vinyl offers numerous style options. Homeowners can choose what height they would like their fence to be as well.
Vinyl fences are easy to assemble and install. The initial cost of these fences is much higher than wood or metal. However, because there is absolutely no maintenance required, homeowners may save some money over time. These fences are very durable and should last for many years. Unlike wood fences, many times the manufacturer will offer a warranty on vinyl.
Keep in mind that some neighborhood associations require homeowners to use specific materials when building a fence. Be sure to consult all of your neighborhood and local regulations before installing a fence. Also, make sure you are working with a reputable fence company who has trained and knowledgeable personnel who will guide you throughout the entire fence building process.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Confusing the Speaking of Words With the Art of Communicating

People confuse the speaking of words with the art of communicating, and then are dismayed with the outcome. The space between listening and speaking is where communication takes place.
Assuming I am correct, how did we ever get the idea that when we speak words we are communicating? I looked up the definition of communication and what I found was interesting. Wikipedia defines communication as the activity of conveying meaningful information. The thesaurus provided synonyms such as to stay in touch, exchange a few words, speak, talk... no wonder we believe that speaking is communicating.
We don't teach children to communicate; we teach them to speak a language. They learn to communicate their displeasure by throwing tantrums, and how do we respond? We ignore them, scold them, or give in to them. What did they learn? They learned that without speaking a word they got us to take an action.
How does this translate to the business world? Perhaps you have an employee who is habitually late. Sometimes we don't confront them yet hope their behavior changes. Other times we may share our displeasure with them and give them the 'shape up or ship out' talk. And if they provide excuses and/or their behavior doesn't change, we give in and let them come in late. What did they learn? We used words but often our actions speak louder than our words. We communicated through our actions, not our words.
Let's take another example. You have a demanding, difficult customer. The decision is made to talk to the customer and tell them their demands are unreasonable. The conversation goes something like, "Mr. Customer, we have attempted to satisfy you but regardless of our actions you seem dissatisfied. I'm not sure what else we can do at this point." Few of us would specifically tell a customer their demands are unreasonable. We'd dance around the topic, speak some words and then wonder why the outcome is not what we want.
Just because we speak does not mean we are communicating. Do your words match your actions? Are you clearly communicating what you want to say, or are you expecting someone to read between the lines? Next time you are dismayed with the outcome of your communication, ask yourself if you spoke words, or if you delivered a message that could be understood. Did you say one thing but mean something else? Were you hoping to not have to be direct but that the other party would still get the message? Confusing the speaking of words with the art of communicating will not get you the results you want

Ideas For Fundraising: Preventing Common Mistakes

There are some aspects you must consider before you go on working with your ideas for fundraising. Most fundraiser organizers often make mistakes particularly to those first timers to fundraising. Most of these mistakes are very common and very simple to avoid. But you must know how to correct those mistakes before it happens.
Even mistakes and problems are common to most fundraising organizers when working with their ideas for fundraising; you can avoid or minimize these from happening. Planning the fundraiser which is an important aspect is one of the things neglected by organizers. It doesn't matter how unique your ideas are or how big will the fundraising project be, as long as you plan it in advance. Through this method, you will be able to know where your fundraiser must go; from thinking of unique fundraising ideas, recruiting volunteers and staff, managing the fundraiser event and your supporters. The things mentioned above must not be neglected for the reason that all of it keeps the fundraising event alive and running. The overall outcome of the event will depend on how you planned the whole event. If you planned it carefully, you can be successful, otherwise you'll fail. You can't just plan and organize a fundraiser in your mind. That will make the fundraiser even more unorganized. So never ever ignore this part because the success of the fundraiser lies on your plans that thought-out carefully. Another problem to consider is not getting support from any school, charitable organization, sports team, or any organization or group that will benefit from your fundraiser. Even if they did give out little support, it's clearly not enough to make your fundraiser a success. It is vital that the supporters of the fundraiser should participate in the events made by the fundraising organizers since they are doing it for a good cause. Set aside the personal bitterness in your groups and help each other for the sake of the success of the event.
The next problem that greatly affects most fundraising events is the lack of communication within the team. To avoid this problem, you must ensure that you have good communication between you and your team. You must also ensure that they know and understand your goals and objectives. Keep them updated regularly about your events so you and your team can work properly without delay. You can schedule weekly group meetings about your team's performance. By doing so, you can easily decide and adjust minor or major changes if necessary to improve the results of the fundraiser. That is why you must have good communication within your team, otherwise your fundraiser and its events will end up miserably. And the last is lack of advertising tactics. This aspect is very important because this makes your fundraising event known to the public. Do this by having the right advertising materials and strategies. You can organize a group responsible for advertising your event. Fixing these problems before it becomes worse will surely lead your fundraiser to success.

Too Much of a Good Thing From One Donor
Sometimes a nonprofit finds a receptive donor and become overly dependent on the donor's generosity. When that happens crisis follows.
A few years ago, a nonprofit client of ours developed a funding crisis. They had a $1 million budget and a donor who gave them $150,000 a year. The relationship started with a gift of $25,000 and over ten years grew to $150,000. Naturally, other sources filled in the remaining $850,000.
One day the major donor announced that he was moving to Florida and his gift 8 months ago would be his last. He was going to start giving to a similar organization near his retirement home in Florida.
It is a crisis when you have 4 months to replace 15% of your budget.
For this client, one might be tempted to define the crisis threshold for funding as 15%. This means any donor or source of income that exceeds 15% will put them in crisis if the flow of funds ended. However, in their case, the crisis threshold turned out to be about 8%.
Let us turn back the clock to three years before the crisis. Let us assume the leadership determined that the crisis threshold was 8% and they realized that Mr. Big was giving 15%. What do they do?
One of the best strategies is:
Continue to cultivate Mr. Big. He obviously loves the mission and has a desire to see it succeed.
Ask Mr. Big to introduce his friends to the mission. This will help to increase the donor base, which will reduce his percentage of the total income. In addition, if something happens to Mr. Big, it is possible to ask his friends to make a one-time gift in his name. This will soften or eliminate the impact of the loss and provide time to replace Mr. Big.
Set a goal for donor growth. Since Mr. Big is almost twice the crisis threshold, a goal of 104% growth in income is appropriate. Let us assume that next year's budget requires $1 million. A goal of 104% means they must raise $1,040, 000. Place the excess $40,000 in a reserve account. In 3 to 4 years, the reserve account will be large enough to cushion the loss of Mr. Big until other donors step up.
Determine the number of donors and the size of the average gift necessary to reduce Mr. Big's percentage of the income stream to 8%. For practical reasons this probably needs to be a 5 - 7 year goal.
The goal is to keep cultivating Mr. Big while reducing his relative percentage to a manageable level by cultivating the generosity of the other donors and sources.
Next Step:
Determine your crisis threshold
Calculate how many of your donors or sources of income are over the threshold
Develop a plan that reduces all of your sources of income to less than the threshold
Sustainable funding is a function of constantly growing the number of sources of income and the generosity of each source. Having sustainable funding also requires one to ensure that a single source of income never become a threat to sustainability.

Sports Fundraising Ideas For Teams Big and Small

Sports fundraising is a niche. If you're a little league baseball team in rural America your audience is going to be limited to family, friends and neighbors. To complicate matters your team is not the only one in town: a lot of competition for a small pool of funds. Whether your team is good or bad, rural or urban, the trick to expanding your potential is to develop uncommon sports fundraising ideas.
Change the Competition
If your baseball team is raising money for equipment, holding a home run derby is a good idea. It engages the community in competition and a home run derby is fun to participate in and watch.
The problem: most people in the community will know who the best hitters are. So it wouldn't be a surprise who won. This discourages people from participating and your effort would lose out on potential money.
Keep it competitive but change the game. Focus on skills that are unique and challenge competitors in ways they aren't used to. Hold a pool tournament. Pool requires a different set of skills and it might be surprising who wins. Suspense and intrigue excite the crowd.
Charge an entry fee and provide prizes for the top three winners. The money left over is donated to your cause.
Take Your Cause to the Internet
The World Wide Web is expanding every second. It provides unlimited potential and is not bound by geography or time - It's always daytime somewhere. Sign up with an online fundraising platform for free and start earning money immediately for any number of sports fundraisers.
Create a story. Tell the audience why your team needs new helmets - protect against head injury etc. Donors respond to stories and stories encourage them to open their wallets.
Customize your donor page with your story and let your Facebook friends and Twitter followers know about what you're doing. Innovation in the online world has encouraged companies to develop tools that integrate to meet the demands of fundraising online. Notifying your friends and followers of your sports fundraising effort is as simple as clicking a button.
Hold a Children's Games Event
An Olympics style event for kids to support your sports fundraiser brings the whole family out for a day of fun and friendly competition. Families come out, meet other families, kids play and compete, the day is dedicated to forming new relationships and informing everyone that you are all gathered for a great cause.
Kids are happy with simple. Hold the event in a local park, set up cones for relays, a tee-ball area. Come up with ideas that are inexpensive. The kids will love it and the parents will enjoy seeing their kids engaged and occupied.
Challenging potential donors in new and inventive ways and using the tools of technology are important ways to add to your sports fundraising ideas and help increase your chances of finding people who want to help your cause. The more you engage people and foster relationships that go beyond a simple donor/cause relationship the more successful your efforts will be.

Occupational Fraud and Abuse Is Real

Occupational fraud and abuse is real even though we would like to believe otherwise.
Organizations incur costs to produce and sell their products or services; these costs run the gamut: labor, taxes, advertising, occupancy, raw materials, research and development-and, yes fraud and abuse. The latter expense of fraud and abuse, however, is fundamentally different from the former: The true expense of fraud and abuse is hidden, even if it is reflected in the profit and loss figures. The 2006 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse estimates that U.S organizations lose 5% of their annual revenues to fraud. Applied to the estimated 2006 US GDP (Gross Domestic Product), this figure would translate to approximately $652 billion in fraud losses. For closely held businesses the median loss suffered by organizations with fewer than 100 employees was $190,000 per scheme.
This is a subject that most business owners and managers would like to believe is not an expense to their business. Unfortunately it is a real possibility unless one is diligent, aware of the possibilities and a guardian against the environment that fosters behaviors far less than desired.
You may be asking yourself, "Why do I want to know about fraud and abuse in the work place." The answer is that good people need to be vigilant and vigilance requires knowledge. My hope is that these articles will be informative. Myself and a few of my partners are studying and working to becoming CFEs (Certified Fraud Examiners) to support our clients through good education and sound business controls. I hope you will not experience any occupational fraud or abuse in your business or professional careers. Let's get started.
What is occupational fraud and abuse?
Joseph T Wells, CFE CPA, defines "occupational fraud and abuse as "the use of one's occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or misapplication of the employing organization's resources or assets." This involves a wide variety of conduct by any person in an organization ranging from sophisticated investment swindles to petty theft. Common violations include asset misappropriation, fraudulent statements, corruption, pilferage, false overtime, using company property for personal benefits and payroll and sick time abuses. The first Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, set forth in 1996, states, "The key is that activity (1) is clandestine, (2) violates the employee's fiduciary duties to the organization, (3) is committed for the purpose of direct or indirect financial benefit to the employee, and (4) costs the employing organization assets, revenues, or reserves."
Edward H Sutherland, a criminologist at Indian University (1883-1950), actually coined the phase "white collar crime" referring to the sharply pressed shirt collars found in the corporate world with their standard blue, red or black ties.
A brief example of "skimming." A cashier at a fast food restaurant receives an order for a hamburger, fries and a drink totaling $4.00. The server provides the food and takes the cash. But wait, the cashier didn't ring up the sale. Where did the money go? Into her pocket. What are lacking here are controls-one takes an order through the register requiring funds to close the order.
"We often find that many business owners unintentionally place their employees in a position to steal from the company" (The Danger Zone, Jerry L. Mills - CEO and Founder of B2B CFO®, page 180).
This article has been provided by a B2B CFO® partner.
Jerry L. Mills is and author, speaker, contributor, and founder of B2B CFO. He has more than 30 years of business experience. He is frequently quoted in various media outlets such as Fox Business, NY Times, Smart Money, Business Week, and Entrepreneur Magazine, among many others.

Adopt Plans and Avoid Procrastination for More Success in Business

Success doesn't come easy. You have to work hard for it. No matter where you work - for your own business or for some company - you can achieve success only through hard work. You have to stick to the schedule, meet your deadlines, take decisions on time, and probably even work in stressful conditions to get the job done.
It's particularly helpful if you already have a passion for your work. The only thing then left is to control your urge of procrastination. In fact, you should try to avoid procrastination at all costs for more success at work.
Avoid procrastination
Always remember - the more you procrastinate, the more opportunities you'll miss. And I'm not just talking about the opportunity at hand. When you procrastinate, you are simply pushing away the opportunity at hand, as well as upcoming opportunities related to it.
For instance, when you are late in project submissions, your manager is most likely NOT going to assign you to any important high-profile projects at work in the future. Missing out on such projects can reduce your visibility among the important decision makers in your organization, hence affecting your chances at promotions and other perks.
The aftermath of procrastination is even more harsh for a business owner. Missed deadline will probably spell out missed sale, and of course missed sale means you can bid goodbye to that particular client forever. The stakes are a lot higher when you're self-employed, so it's best to avoid procrastination in order to achieve success in business.
However, don't confuse procrastination with planning.
Adopt planning
Planning is an integral part of your business plan. You have to take out time to plan your work. In order to avoid missing sales and encourage returning clients, it's best to plan your work according to your business cycle. Find out how your business works -
Is there any particular time of the day when you receive leads?
Which days of the week do you expect any clients?
How do you schedule work when you're on vacation?

There are scores of questions you need to answer to plan out your work efficiently. One way to do that is by charting out the amount of time you take every day on different tasks. By comparing these daily tasks over a period of time, you'll be able to understand how you can maximize your business cycle to earn more clients, and manage your time more efficiently not just at work, but outside work as well.
Put some thoughts in your business plan, set up automated systems, and kick procrastination out of the door. This planning can also help you enjoy your personal life, outside your workplace

Cheap Poor Quality USB Drives Can Lead to a Poor Advertising Message

The quality of a product, even a promotional or free product, speaks greatly to the image and message of a company. Many organizations give away free USB flash drives with a company logo or message in the hopes that these items will promote the popularity of the company itself. This marketing tactic works well when the product is quality but if, for example, a potential customer is given promo USB drives that malfunction or are of general low value, this sends a very negative message about the company and may drive away a large amount of future business. The last thing a company needs is to spend money on a product that adversely affects the number of potential clients. There is nothing worse for a company's image than a product, even a free product, associated with that company to fail or be construed as "cheap". In order to maintain a proper reputation, every item linked to an organisation needs to be excellent and represent a positive message in the mind of the consumer.
Not all USB drives are created equally and the lower-end and less expensive flash drives are often not what they are advertised to be. Many inexpensive USB drives do not have the amount of storage space advertised and have very short life spans, meaning that the drive can only be used a few times before it fails. This creates a dilemma because most organisations do not want to spend a large amount for a product that is promotional or free simply because that is not always good business sense. If a potential client is given a failing piece of technology affiliated with a certain company, it is unlikely for that individual to do business with that company in the future. In order for a promo USB drive to fulfil its original intention, it can never be viewed as inexpensive or rubbish.
Colours are often a strong signification of a certain brand or company, so it is important for promo items to correctly represent the proper colour scheme. Not only can a number of potential USB flash drives be of mediocre quality, but also poor aesthetics and visual representation. It is quite easy to incorrectly match a colour especially when trying to do so on plastic because almost all materials represent the same colour much differently to the eye. If a company is sent promo drives that do not match the intended colour, those items will not be associated with the desired business and thus the entire marketing campaign will have failed.
A cheap drive can lead to a failed advertising message and negatively affect an organisation's potential client base and overall profits. Businesses need to be aware of cheap promo USB drives because there is nothing worse than a bad product, even one as small as a free drive, being associated with a company.

How To Promote Your Product

If you want to see your business grow, you are going to have to promote your product. While this may seem obvious to some, it's quite another problem to try to decide which ones to use. There are so many people reaching out to you to use their promotion techniques as you choose how you will do your own advertising. Some ideas may be more practical or appealing to you, deciding on how much time, money and effort you have to give to advertising.
One of the first things that you can do is to advertise your business and products is in the yellow pages. While many people now use electronic devices and the internet to find businesses, there are still those who refer to the yellow pages to find what they are looking for. One advantage of using this form of advertising is that it is not going to be as expensive as others. Get the largest advertisement that you can, as it will draw the attention of others more quickly.
The newspaper is another place where you can promote your products and advertise your business. You can take advantage of box ads and advertising inserts. Also, many local newspapers will run articles promoting businesses and products that may be of interest to their readers. There may also be special interest newspapers that may exist in your area, which will go directly to people who are interested in your product.
Of course, business cards and stationery are important ways to promote your business and let people know what types of products you have to offer. Every time you meet someone or have someone show an interest in your products, you need to give them a business card. Also, stationery needs to have the name of your business, along with phone numbers and a website address, so that you can easily be reached by someone who is interested in your products.
One thing that you can do is to take advantage of every single piece of paper and electronic documents that goes out into other businesses or the public. This includes business cards and stationery, which should include your business name, logo, contact information, and company's slogan. Every envelope should have your business name, return address, phone and fax numbers, your URL and anything else you can fit on there. Outgoing faxes, receipts, bill payments - any piece of paper can be used an advertising tool. Emails need to have your company's signature, which includes all of the information as listed above.
Another way to promote your product is to use a public relations agency. These agencies work specifically to help promote your business in new and unique ways. To do this more effectively, they will generally specialize in one or two specific areas so they can effectively do their job. You can look for a public relations agency that is able to effectively promote your products and business.
One other advertising method that you may want to consider is television advertising. While you probably won't be able to afford to run during the Super Bowl, you can still reach local households. Most television companies will offer various advertising ideas that appeal specifically to small businesses.
Another way to promote your business and products is to have an up-to-date website. If you can't afford to have someone build a website for you, then put up your own site by using one of the simple online web development programs. Most people are using websites to find more about products and businesses. They will also use your website to get your phone number and address.
If you have a website, it's as equally important to have search engines in place so that people can find it. It's not difficult to submit your website to search engines. Some search engines will cost you money, but many of them are free. The more search engines you use, the greater chances there are that people will be able to find your business online.
Be aware of any special events in your community where you can promote your business. County fairs, special events where you can set up a booth and even an open house are all events where you can promote your products. There are several ways that you can do that at these events. You can just be there to meet people and talk to them about your business. You can also have advertising papers with lots of information about your products. Lastly, you can have free items to give away that advertise your business, such as pencils, pens, notepads, etc. Also, you might want to consider a give-away, where people submit personal information in order to win a prize. This gives you an immediate list of possible customers.
Advertising can take on many shapes and forms. However, the most important thing is to do something. Don't expect your business to grow if people don't know that you are out there. Hopefully, you can use some of the ideas listed here to help promote your business and products as quickly as possible.

MPLS VPN Is Really Worth Your Investment

Have you currently invested in MLPS technology? What exactly can you state concerning the efficiency of this specific modern technology? Actually, only those people who have already been linked with this amazing solution can say their comments about the standard of efficiency they have observed. However, over 90% of those who were connected mention positive answers because they knew MLPS VPN operates in a number of ways that they consider as fantastic.
I have been making use of this technology and I can also claim that the performance is great and really worth cash I have spent after 2 years ago. The web connectivity as well as bandwidth is reliable and I don't remember any kind of down-time. MLPS VPN has the ability to assist structures and integrates in the overall procedure with little delay. MLPS VPN is actually an IP routing service that is quite different from Frame relay that is certainly seen in WAN. While it's a fact that you have to spend some amount of money in MLPS VPN services nevertheless the system is worth your expenditure. Your web business is stimulated simply because with this system it's very easy to send out info as well as various other business apps. And because of this wonderful performance many online entrepreneurs are now attached to this modern technology.
Before buying the service they must make sure that the particular product specifications meet specific business needs. Customers need to take into account that providers are not the only ones that ensure alignment in business objectives and also procedures. Company overall performance as well as service ambitions are important because they precisely correspond to earnings. MLPS VPN deals with and operates the operation of MLPS VPN technology like QoS, VPN, MLPS VPN and SLA routing efficiently. The provider can automate the entire process, which is definitely something that customers primarily take into account in choosing MLPS VPN service. Some of the latest services available today are VoIP as well as managed security services, among other kinds.
This involves expense in network infrastructure for deployment and also provision. They offer and set up solutions in addition to managed networks. The task of service providers is to give solutions that can deal with every business concern. The key characteristics and functions to watch out for in the operations of this specific service are swiftness, correct configurations and traceability in its network components. Analyzing these can enable you to decide which kind of service is the best in the competitive market. You will find a massive market of service providers available in the marketplace, and they are generally up for providing services to organizations and also companies that frequently encounter extreme challenges in their undertakings.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Bright Smile Teeth Whitening Review

Having a bright smile is considered to be an asset. If you have it, then you can expect your looks to be greatly enhanced. However, for people who have stained and yellow teeth, this smile is somehow impossible to wear. Teeth tend become yellow and stained when one drinks coffee too often. Aging and smoking can also cause to remove that dazzling, white smile. If you are one of those who have problems with their teeth, then you can try using Bright Smile teeth whitening products. These are in great availability at present and these are popular in providing people the kind of smile that they are dreaming of.
Once you decide to use Bright Smile teeth whitening products, you do not have to bother yourself from visiting your dentist on a regular basis. The products are designed in a very convenient manner so you can use them even if you are staying at home. All you have to do is to place an order online and follow the directions stated in the products. Once you do this, you will notice a vast improvement in the appearance of your teeth. With these products around, you will be able to reach your goal of having that stunning smile.
Among the many popular Bright Smile teeth whitening products is the teeth whitening toothpaste. This toothpaste is designed to whiten your teeth, provide good polishing, fight cavities and protect them from becoming stained. Teeth whitening mouthwash is also available. Prior to using the mouthwash, you are advised to use the toothpaste first. This product is intended to reach those places where your toothpaste and toothbrush cannot so you can expect to whiten even those hard to reach spaces. Whitening pens are also among the most effective products provided by Bright Smile. This is an instant solution when it comes to making your teeth whiter. However, you have to know that this instant solution is only temporary so you have to wear it off the following day. Because this is only temporary, you can choose to use it only on special occasions.
Bright Smile teeth whitening products are indeed effective solutions when it comes to improving your smile. With these products around, impressing people with your stunning and dazzling smile is never impossible. Aside from the effectiveness of the products, you can also expect them to come in affordable prices. Because of these things, you can really say that the products provided by Bright Smile are among the easiest ways to improve your entire appearance.

I Like To Smile - With All Of The Blessings Received

Smiling is the most wonderful expression of every individual whenever he is happy. It shows happiness as the emotional status of a person. I like to smile to catch many attentions. I like to smile because this is the time when people notice me just the way I wanted them to. It creates a great impact on my personality. People will have a good impression about you if you keep on smiling. Positive energy and blessings will come your way too. I like to smile - it makes good things come to life for me. This article will let you know the reasons why I like to smile and, who knows, they could be your reasons too.
I like to smile because it makes my day. People from all lifestyles, in every corner of the world, will have a good impression about my personality, particularly my attitude, if I will keep on smiling. For example, I have a good job and I am enjoying it - this is one good enough reason for me to smile. I believe that we will have a positive thinking about the world if we will continue to smile. Psychologically speaking, if you think you are having no reason to be lonely, and then all you have to do is to smile. Always bear in mind that what the mind conceives, the body achieves; mind over matter - this is what I believe in. I love to smile because it completes my day, knowing that the people who surround me are having a wonderful thought about my character and my entire personality-and in all aspect too. In addition, I like to be photogenic when my friends and I will look at our pictures. I want them to see me more as someone appealing, even in my pictures.
I remember when I was young, I cried a lot about anything, probably because I was too worried about so many things then. After that, I eventually learned to smile. My mother taught me to seal all the gifts I received with smiles and kisses. By this, I can make simple presents special. I like to smile just as the others do. Beauty is senseless without the lovely smiles on our faces. I like to laugh too. Many studies have found out that smile and laughter can help our body become more active. They release the tension and stress, and this is very good for our health. The buildup of health problems can be lessened and can even be prevented. Laughing can provide more oxygen and can regulate our hearts to pump better so that we can have a better blood circulation all over. In addition, the adrenaline is released to make us feel all right.
To add more, are you familiar with the song, "I can't smile without you?" and how we can relate to it? As we grow older and more mature, we have crushes. I also had a crush to smile on for. No matter how bad our mood is, we keep the smiles in our faces because we have to look more presentable than ever to impress our crushes. However, smiling is not complete without some good and healthy teeth. I like to smile because I have them. It is a representation that we are neat and that we are practicing good personal hygiene. It is something that most people should take care of. We can wear that fresh and happy smile if we have a good set of teeth. However, with or without it, you can be happy, since there are ways on how to improve them and reconstruct the entirely broken ones.
I like to be happy just as everyone else in the world. I sincerely believe that nobody wants to be lonely. Therefore, my suggestion would be-to always be positive. If you live the life of an optimist, you can surely win all battles in life. In addition, you can gain self-confidence. You will be confident enough to face everything in the world. I like to smile because it brings joy to my life. Although there are times when I like to frown, I know that every hardships and dark road will be over and eventually, everything will be okay - soon. Based on all of my experiences, I like to smile. No one can take my happiness away. Learn how to smile from the bottom of your heart and you will meet all the blessings and good fortune. It is a perfect way to show your gratitude about life. I like to smile because it reflects my lifestyle, character, and personality.

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry in the "Land of Smiles!" - A Perfect Smile is the Best Souvenir

Find out what millions of tourists have already learned! Take advantage of low-cost, world-class dentistry while you vacation in "The Land of Smiles!"
Thailand is THE hot spot for Dental Tourism! Clinics provide everything from simple Laser Whitening procedures to invisible Braces and complex dental surgery. Aptly nicknamed "The Land of Smiles," Thailand is a wonderful tropical paradise with a solid reputation for top-notch cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and exceptional customer service. Thailand is also the perfect place for those seeking a complete makeover with safe and affordable cosmetic surgery.
In 2004, recognizing the potential of Health Tourism, the Thai Ministry of Public Health spearheaded a five year plan to establish Thailand as the "Centre of Excellent Health of Asia." Thailand is also considered the "Medical Hub of Asia" and a quality destination for superior health care. This is evident in the fact that Health Tourism continues to grow with several hundreds of thousands of foreign patients visiting Thailand for medical and dental care each year.
Many world-class dental clinics have opened in Thailand over the past several years and the industry is growing. Most clinics offer services and information in English and have websites that cater to English speaking customers. Some even offer Dental Tourism packages including spa treatments and hotel stays! Up-to-date listings of dental clinics located in Bangkok as well as other popular business and holiday travel destinations in Thailand can be found on websites such as Links to clinic websites allow you to get information on services for tooth whitening, cleaning, general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, oral surgery, dentures, dental implants, braces, veneers, and much, much more.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Best Time to Text After a First Date

If you're reading this article, it's likely that you've recently been on a first date and are wondering when would be a good time to send a text message. I'm sure you can't get that question out of your mind right now and, unfortunately, it doesn't have one simple answer.
But I'd like to use my experience and give you a few pointers to help you make your decision. I hope my advice will be useful and enable you to choose the right moment to send a text.
It's a funny thing, texting. It's only been in use about ten years but it's come to be an important form of communication.
In the old, pre-texting days the thing to do was to call after one or two days and thank your date for a great time. This is, of course, still a valid option, but these days people tend to prefer sending a short message.
Things are a little different now and it's not always easy to know what's the best way of dealing with the situation.
A quick message within one day of the date would be my best advice. The same night, even, as long as you keep it short and sweet.
Try bringing up something that happened during the date and keep the tone light and fun. You don't even have to admit that you had a really good time. The fact that you are sending a text will transmit that message.
This should also be the start of a text conversation between the two of you, which has the big advantage of breaking the ice a little prior to the follow up call.
When you make this call a day or two later, you know you'll have something to talk about because you've already sown the seeds of the conversation in your text messages

Vintage Stuff

A funny thing has happened since sites like eBay came along. Things that we used to just throw in the garbage or box up and take to the thrift store have become collectible. If you look at all of the vintage stuff being sold on eBay, it is amazing that we ever throw anything away. I say that because it seems that no matter what it is that you might be thinking about selling, somebody is a ready and willing collector if the price is right.
Before you go off on any large scale cleaning purges in your basement or attic, it could be very much worth your time to take a moment and browse through eBay's categories and listings. If you are throwing away something that was made before 1990, there might be someone looking to add it to their vintage collection. It seems that people are feeling nostalgic about the items they grew up with during the 1970s and 1980s.
Two very popular categories where people sell off their old merchandise are toys and clothing. Both of these are filled with listings put up by people who dug out the old bags and boxes filled with things like Member's Only Jackets, Smurfs, concert shirts, GI Joe figures, and any number of relics from days gone by. People in their thirties through fifties are snapping these old items up. What they do with their collectibles is a very personal choice. Some may be purchasing clothes to wear, but I imagine most of the toys are being displayed unless the buyers are getting them for their own children to play with and experience.
Vintage items are defined differently depending on the category in which you are interested. One of the most popular "vintage" categories is clothing. Although the term is used rather loosely, vintage clothing is generally agreed to be items dating from the 1920s through the 1970s. Many people purchase vintage clothing for their personal use and actually wear the items either because they enjoy the look or feel of them. Antique clothing is older than vintage and is usually not purchased with the intention of actually wearing it. These very old items might be seen on display in museums or other such displays commemorating fashions of the past. Finally, "retro" clothing consists of items originating in the 1980s and 1990s.
Other categories will show variations in the years defining their eras. Computers, for example, will not have any items falling into the antique category, but models dating from the 1980s are certainly considered vintage. This is due to the fact that changes in computers and computing have been dramatic from year to year. A model from the 1980s is certainly a piece of technological history because so many generations of improvements have come and been improved upon since they were introduced.
Next time you start cleaning house, compare some of the older items you find to what is available on eBay. If it is an older item, include the word "vintage" in your search. You may be surprised to find that you have some hidden treasure sitting in your att

Simple Rules For Weight Loss

A funny thing that seems to crop is that all the diets are contesting that they are the correct options and they will get you a guaranteed loss in weight. The really funny thing about this is that almost all the diets are contradicting each other.
While one diet says that you should avoid carbohydrates and go for proteins, another one says you should avoid proteins and preferably eat carbohydrates.
In the face of this, it is incredibly hard to decide what exactly you should you do. There is always a lot of confusion on what you should exactly do. The major problem is biological; most diets don't actually understand the concepts of what your body will do due to the diet. More often than not they randomly decide the things one should follow.
The most important thing that people don't realise that they should eat. They should at least have 3 but preferably as much as 6 meals a day. This is very important since this prevents you from going hungry. This also keeps your metabolism strong and prevents your body from converting the food you eat into fat.
Another equally important thing is that one should watch what you eat. You do not want to make a lot of efforts but end up going backwards as you have not eaten properly. Avoid junk food and empty calories. If you avoid these and stick to healthy food you will be amazed at the ease with which you lose weight.
Protein is a very important thing to include in your diet. This is important since proteins are the building blocks of life and are completely essential.
You should also choose what you should eat wisely, especially your carbohydrates. While carbohydrates are important you should take care to choose complex carbohydrates which are harder to digest. They will give you the much needed fibre.
The most important thing that you should also do is to start exercising so that you will burn of excess calories in your bodies.
Now listen carefully -

It is a Funny Thing About Coincidence and Conscious Thinking

The Psychologist Carl Jung called the funny thing about conscious thinking and coincidence, synchronicity. Over centuries, the phenomena of active intuition has been called many things including good luck or even bad luck. But, I am going to identify in this article specifically how, why and especially when and where this power is used. It is pretty obvious what this power is used for. I will still go into that also, anyway. So, let us get started: When we think about coincidence and conscious thinking, we think about something usually "over our heads" in some way although it happens every day we live, breathe and think deeply about things and then experience the things we think deeply about.
Right down to Joseph Banks Rhine and his experiments with old style six sided gaming dice and the mental control of physical phenomena, or even every day hope a traffic light will stay on long enough for us to cross through it, or even catching a bus perfectly on time when we get to the stop, we all use, have and work with these powers to some degree. I know, it took a long sentence for that basic description, but the attentive reading of this along with the rest of the article will be well worth your while. Sure, I can tell you many things you want or need to know about conscious thinking and coincidence. But as you read, keep this in mind: All things follow an internal logic that corresponds with their nature and the core nature of existence, even the most "unnatural" phenomena. So, also keep this in mind, if you can objectively experience it, and conceive of it, even if it is seemingly illogical, it makes sense.
Simple as these hypotheses may seem, they are the most complicated and all encompassing realities there are. Indeed, I am not saying have faith in anything irrational, but have your conception of what is rational become more encompassing of what is total reality. Oh, it is impossible for any finite consciousness to be genuinely all encompassing and infinite, but broadness is always possible. It is that realistic. No self justification or irrational fear, just the courage to perceive and go into new realms if not create them somehow. To have self justification is to know it all, so indeed, self justification is a form of irrational fear, not apart from irrational fear. This brings me to a revolutionary concept of what healthy being comes down to, honest creativity and realistic perception instead of illogical self justification and unhealthy competition. I am not getting off the subject, I am showing the conditions where coincidence and conscious thinking combined work best and become ideally the conditions that Carl Jung called synchronicity.
Think in these terms, all genuinely diseased thinking comes down to a narrow self concept of what is possible. For example: What is a wrong and will not work is what is a wrong and will not work, and silliness or insanity is not changing the approach so it will work. What we have there is a primacy of stagnation as in a denial of reality. Sure, if it is not broken do not fix it, but if it needs to be improved, do improve it. For stagnation is telling your intuition and mind to grow up from your present position. That is the key to the productive use of coincidence and conscious thinking. For the unproductive use of coincidence and conscious thinking is called an accident. We all have a choice, let the lemons be sour or make lemonade with sweetener. Your call. Your existence. Your life. That goes for me, and everyone, right down to everyone who makes a conscious choice, too.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. I would like to thank here, Eric Mann, Barbara Lott-Holland and the staff of the Los Angeles Strategy Center for letting me use their facilities for this article and a few other articles of mine.

Remembering the Funny Things Kids Say

If you spent anytime around kids you'll know they say the funniest things.
You find yourself wishing you could remember all those little quips and wild eyed stories. As a parent you expect to remember, but there are many many times when you can't quite recall the funny thing your kid said or just how they worded it. Even as an aunt, uncle, cousin, brother, sister you will reflect on childhoods you have observed and wish that you had a video camera or a photographic memory to store all of those precious moments. There is something so refreshing to read or watch those recorded moments, to see the world through a child's eyes. Here are a couple of crackers to help you keep inspired.
  • "I can have two childs because I have two testicles"
  • " Mommy, did you know that your underwear won't flush down the toilet?"
  • 3 y.o. walks in chewing a great ball of mint dental floss "this is my bubble gun"
You get the idea, so here are a couple of suggestions to help you remember those moments when kids say funny things.
  • Use the voice memo on your smart phone either ask the child to repeat the statement.
  • Have an older child interview kids with a video camera (kids open up to other kids).
  • Use Evernote. It's your online brain they have free and paid accounts integrate with your phone and your computers.
  • Start a blog. Posterous is super easy to use and runs on email. So just send a quick email, video or voice memo via email to your Posterous blog. Your family will probably love it.
  • Old faithful, low teach carry a notebook
Here's a couple more just for fun.
  • 3 year old says "momma, my peepee hurts", I ask him why it hurts and he responds "someone took it and poked a hole in it".
  • "I like the lines on your face."
  • I thought you were cool until i looked in the mirror and saw i was cooler
Having started doing this ourselves we are rapidly building a treasure trove a wonderful moments that our whole family enjoys reflecting on. If this wee article has inspired you to start collecting all those great stories from children in your life that is really wonderful, if not I hope you got a smile or a giggle out of the one-liners above.

Funny Things to Text Girls

The best things to text girls are things that are funny, playful, teasing and humorous.
Why is it good to text girls things that are funny?
When a girl receives a funny text from you, she will experience positive emotions which she will then anchor towards you.
If you've sent her a few funny things before you ask her on a date, she's more likely to go on the date because she'll remember who you make her feel through text and will assume you'll make her feel good on the date.
So what are some funny things to text girls?
Here is a list of my top 3 funny things to text girls:
Those luscious lips, that hot body, those gorgeous eyes.....but enough about me, how's your day going?
I heard on the news someone checked into the pysch ward wearing only her underwear and riding a goat. I'll come & get u.... BUT THIS HAS 2 STOP!!!!
6 truths in your life:
1. You can't lick all your teeth with your tongue.
2. You're an idiot, because you just tried to proof truth number one.
3. Truth one is a lie.
4. Now you're smiling, because you're a goof.
5. You'll send it to another idiot in the near future.
6. You're still smiling ;-)
These are just a few examples of some funny things to text a girl you like. Just make sure you don't over do it.
You don't want to text her funny things every day or it'll get old and you'll just come off as a clown. And lets face it, women don't find clowns sexy.
So if you mix funny texts with some other elements that show you are challenging, direct, bold and a leader, girls will literally be begging to date you.
For more funny things to text girls and other texts that will make women want you more than any other guy

he Funny Thing About Online and Network Marketing

There's a funny thing about online and network marketing, and that's the care taking of the newbies.
For whatever when not guided by an experienced, savvy veteran. And every newbie that really wants to seriously become someone in this industry gets the books and ebooks, attends the seminars and web seminars and somewhat still resists the application of the heard, read and learned stuff but rather commits exactly the mistakes he has heard and read about, to learn it that way, the "hard way", what he could have avoided if he only would have really taken on and applied the advice he received.
And so, when growing older in this industry he at some point in time will remember back to his beginning days and what he all had struggled back then and what he all has learned meanwhile and he sees "how easy" life can be when applying and respecting certain rules and he decides to speak or write about "his experience" on this journey for the new coming newbies not to make the same mistakes he had made when he started out in internet, online and network marketing.
And like this the whole process starts all over again because there will be a lot of newbie marketers out there that will hear and read the advices, that will attend the seminars and web seminars being offered, for free as well as paid, and these same newbies will again and again not apply what they have heard and read and will commit the same mistakes that our newbie from the beginning has made and at some point in time, when they will have grown older in this industry, these former newbies will decide to write a book or speak on a seminar to the then newbies about the mistakes they should not commit because our "second generation newbies" have learned it in the "school of hard knocks" that, you know how that goes on now, do you?
I can refer with this to a very, but very good movie with Al Pacino ("Scent of a Woman"), playing a blind man "defending" a student in a "trial" where he was accused of something he hadn't done but was not willing to reveal the name of the person he knew that it was; for integrity reasons. In that defense al pacino said: "i always knew what was the right way but I never took it! You wanna know why? Because it's too damn hard!"
Sometimes it's really "too damn hard" to do the right thing. But sometimes it's also only our inner resistance that keeps us from taking the right path. Where this inner "help-resistance" - like my father used to call it - comes from is an issue psychologists and psychiatrists should be worrying about. I only know that it simply is that way.
And I can only appeal to you that you read this to not do it!
Don't resist receiving help when you can, especially when you start something new that you know much about, still. Don't be so proud saying or thinking the four most dangerous words in English language: "I...... know...... that...... already" because you don't! Not only open yourself wide enough to receive any true help offered, but be "un-proud" enough to then also apply the learned stuff! If you have good mentors and coaches they don't tell you those things because they like to hear themselves talking. They tell you that because they really want to help you, they really want to cut short your learning curve and see you "in the money" sooner and quicker than it had happened with them.
TAKE the advice of your Mentor or Coach and APPLY it! It will do you good!
Thomas Jungblut is a marketing expert who specializes in helping entrepreneurs become skilled marketers and better people. After having been laid off his long year depending casino company he soon turned onto the Internet to make a living there. What he has learned during his beginning times and what he keeps experimenting he is sharing with the interested individual both the personal and the virtual way.Thomas is helping create 100 millionaires by the year 2012 and is on the best way to even becoming one of them himself. He currently helps entrepreneurs in over 190 countries learn the art of Internet, Online and Network Marketing, and ultimately become Marketing Experts themselves to then go and teach the next generation.

Confidence Is A Funny Thing

When you have it, you feel as though there's nothing in the world that can stop you. You feel as though you can make all the money you want to make; you feel as though you're smarter than every person you meet; you feel entitled to the better things in life; you smile a lot, and people feel infused with your energy.
When you're not confident, people feel your energy also, and it saps them. You feel unworthy of good things; you question your judgment; you feel as though you have nothing to offer to the world. You sometimes feel jealous or envious of others over the smallest things, and even things that don't pertain to your life depress you. You feel out of control; that's not a good feeling at all.
What can one do to get out of the doldrums of insecurity and non-confidence? Anything different is a good start. A change of routine is a good step towards a different way of thinking. Sometimes it can be as small a step as putting your right shoe on first if you always put your left shoe on first. Sometimes it can be as simple as deciding to read something different, like a new book or even a different section of the newspaper.
See, non-confident people get trapped in the miasma of inactivity; they feel they can't do anything different, so they don't even try. Confident people are always doing something different, because they feel that, even if something's not perfect, they'll learn something positive from the experience, even if it only leads to a story they can tell others so they don't make those same mistakes.
Remember the Nike ad that said "Just Do It"? Well, my slight twist on it is just do something. Trust me, you'll feel better for it.

Marriage is a Funny Thing

Marriage is a funny thing. Most of us consider it a huge step, possibly the biggest that you will take in your lifetime (second perhaps only to having children). Often when I see people who are soon to be wed, I also see everyone around them telling them that life as they know it will end.
The thing is - Marriage is what you make of it. The ceremony is purely symbolic, and it doesn't really change anything. Starting a relationship is life-altering. Marriage is simply a piece of paper that puts it into writing, and makes the relationship official. Marriage can be difficult to define because of its duality of spirituality and legality.
People should be completely committed to one another before marriage, not just after. Marriage shouldn't be about losing freedom. If marriage means losing privileges, pleasures or rights, maybe the entire relationship needs to be in question. Relationships are about compromise and cooperation, not about rules and control.
This isn't to say that people shouldn't take marriage seriously, but really they should take the whole relationship seriously. The general attitude toward marriage is now it's time to take it seriously, when shouldn't it have been taken seriously all along?
Marriage isn't forever, which is a sad reality. Just like having children, I think too many people feel like they're supposed to get married, so that's what they do. Sometimes we can focus too much on the rituals and traditions involved in the ceremony and we forget what it symbolizes - the union between people.
From a personal standpoint, I don't even remember the date when I got married. It was either June or July, 1998. It was a private "ceremony" between God, my husband and I. I personally feel that I don't need a government or church to tell me I'm married. I pledged my love to one person and it's something I took (and still take) very seriously, even though others chose not to recognize it because it wasn't "legal."
Marriage should be something that's personal to each of us, since it is a very personal step in our lives, not just a formality to be taken for granted. People shouldn't feel pressured into marriage or relationships by society, family or friends.
Overall I worry that people get married because they feel like that should be the next step, and not because they want it to be the next step. I worry that women get married so they can wear the dress and have all the attention on them, and men get married because it's what their girlfriends want

Friendship Is a Funny Thing

I have recently been reminded about the meaning of friendship. A guy I've known since kindergarten called me a couple of days ago to check on a sick family member. Now, he's never met the person that is sick, but he called anyway to see how things were going. And yes, kindergarten was almost three decades ago.
We remained friends through school, college, and even while I served in the Army. We've kept in touch even years later after we were both married with children. You married people reading this know how tough that is.
Last year, when my step-dad passed away, he was there. I called to tell him the news and instructed him not to try to make the funeral because he lived so far away. Well, like clockwork, he called before the funeral and said he'd be there. You see, he had gotten off the phone with me and made arrangements with his in-laws, which live in a different town, to watch his daughter for the weekend. When I asked him why he did it, he simply replied, "You'd have done the same." And, he was right.
Now the crazy thing is that during our school years neither one of us would have thought the other one would be "that friend". Turns out that all of those people we thought would always be there were just friends at the time. That doesn't mean they were bad friends, we all just grew separate ways.
The friend I referenced earlier has always been the kind of guy you could count on. Last week the church he attends recognized his qualities by making him an ordained deacon. His character has always shown through like that. He remained a friend even during my times of straying from the path of righteousness.
So there it is, the funny thing about friendship is the fact that you never know who your lifelong friend will be. But, a true friend will endure through adolescent stupidity, young adulthood's lessons, and into mature leaders of the community. Friendship is one of the greatest gifts we can offer one another. Knowing that no matter what is going on in their own lives and no matter what the circumstances are, we'll have that someone right beside us when we need them is a great

A Funny Thing Happened One Day

finally woke up! I had been living my life like a turtle with it's head hidden in it's shell. It's as if I had been in a sleep-like state focusing on and living with my past experiences guiding my present and future life. I talked about my past. I thought about my past. I felt the pain from my past. I made every choice and decision based on my past. I didn't allow myself to be present with the life that I'm living now. I didn't allow myself to be present for new opportunities and ideas. Focusing on my past kept me there which was not a very good place to be in. It felt like I was in a state of perpetual unhappiness. This was my choice - to play the role of the victim. But the funny thing is that I was the only one who got hurt. This was because of the choice that I made in placing my painful past experiences at the front and center of my life.
Then awhile ago something occurred that change my life. I finally woke up. This happened when my mother died. Her passing opened the floodgates to a new way of life for me. The hole that was left was huge. To fill this hole in my heart I began to remember the words of wisdom that she imparted to me. She gave me the gift of clarity and direction a few days before she died. She talked to me about her life's choices and decisions that she made which was based on her painful childhood experiences. It was an 'aha' moment for me. I was listening to my mother speak about what had happened in her life and why it had happened. She seemed to say that I shouldn't be making choices and decisions based on my painful childhood. I should learn from the lessons in my life, live with love and forgiveness and move forward with happiness and joy.
Now was time to stop dwelling on past painful experiences that couldn't be changed. It was time to live my life by being present and open to new situations and events. By being present, I didn't need to live in the past anymore. I could make new friends and new experiences based on the choices and decisions that I could make now. I could choose to live a happy or a miserable life. It was all up to me. I chose happiness. I chose now.
When my mother died my life changed dramatically. I was never the same again. I understand now that even though she was my mother, she was still her own person with her own path. She had her own pain and did the best that she could in her life. That's what we all do. We act upon what we know at the time that something is happening.
As the saying goes, hindsight is 20-20. Once we forgive ourselves for any pain that's occurred in our lives then we can be free again. Free to pursue our lives with truth, unconditional love and compassion (empathy). I choose to live my best life now. I choose to focus on my present life and to be happy.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Bench Grinder - How You Can Keep It Working For Years And Years

Here are some tips suitable for maintaining a bench grinder:
Tip 1 - Caring for the surface
As tough and solid a bench grinder might appear, it may possibly still suffer problems if it's not positioned in a suitable area. Due to varying designs and shapes, installation is often troublesome, so the following are some simple guidelines for installing.
Select an effective location
Bench grinders are usually not effortless to move about. To safely move it over again, you will have to experience all the bother of dismantling the entire thing all over again. So, to minimize this time consuming escapade, it definitely pays to pick out an area which is central to most of your needs. Avoid installing the bench grinder in a prominent spot, unless you intend to make use of this bench more frequently than, for example, the table saw.
Bolting Factors
It is always quite critical to choose the proper size bolt whenever one is securing it on or against the wall. The bolt needs to be sturdy and secure enough to hold the bench grinder to the work surface tightly. Don't use small, slender bolts, as they might be very wobbly. If possible, bolts measuring five to six inches in length and three quarters of an inch in diameter are far more suitable to work with, since they usually tend to perform better.
Be conscious of an uneven floor
An uneven floor isn't a grinder's friend. Not only might this endanger the unit, but it is also one way to encourage accidents. Therefore, when picking a position, make certain that the place you want your bench grinder to be standing on has a correctly leveled spot. You can utilize several leveling tools to measure the size of the area in question. Also, be mindful of your grinder's dimensions when checking the area.
Tip 2 - Pampering the Grinder
An useful way to help keep your bench grinder constantly in fine condition is by pampering it using oil and grease. It's a highly effective protecting method which helps keep rust out. Whenever applying oil and grease, however, always keep each of its cover screws locked properly prior to and following every oiling. Moreover, be certain to examine its abrasive wheel for any splits.
Tip 3 - Toning the Stones
Applying light oil to its stone while using the bench grinder can be an effective method to help keep glazing from appearing. You can also prevent glazing by cleaning off the excessive oils, as well as the grits by using a thoroughly clean cloth or towel after each use. Should glazed pieces appear, however, dry cleansing it using solvent might eliminate the trouble.

Different Kinds of Garage Doors

Everyone desires to present his home in the best way. For this purpose, people love to spend huge amount of money on the paints, window panes and other things that can give a good look to their house. However, there is nothing like door that can give a great look to your house because of its presence on the front part of the house. Whenever, a visitor views your house, it is the doors that attracts his attention and this is why, garage door should be great in look and reliable in its quality so that is can present your home in a better way and can also ensures the security of your home.
There are many different styles and manufacturing materials available in the market that can be chosen for your garage door. There are catalogues available at shops that can show you the latest trends in these doors and also these catalogues give you an idea about the color schemes of these doors. However, you should choose your door according to your needs and demands. Quality of the manufacturing material of the garage door cannot be neglected because of its importance in providing security to your home.
There are many materials available in the market that can be used for making the garage doors. Steel is commonly used nowadays because of its lust and reliability. However, if steel used is of poor quality then it will rust off in a few years and you will have to replace your garage door that is really expensive. Garage gates cannot be changed regularly. That is why, it is very important to keep the quality of the manufacturing material high so that you do not have to spend a lot of money on maintaining the look and quality of the door.
Wood is relatively older material for these doors. However, the reliability that wood offers is really incomparable with steel and other modern materials. If good quality wood is used for doors then it can meet both the requirements that are great look and great quality. Wood is easy to be repaired and thus you have to spend little money on maintaining the wood doors. The life of wood is also more than other materials because of the natural resins present in it that can keep its strength up to the mark.
Aluminum is another material that is very common nowadays for manufacturing the doors. However, due to less durability people do not want to use them as their garage door

How to Choose the Right Material for Bedroom Sliding Doors

There are certain nuances which will have a huge impact on the way that your home looks. These will also affect your ability to use the things you have installed. Part of what will make the difference includes the materials you choose. This holds true specifically for furniture and interior doors. When you are in the market to purchase bedroom sliding doors, it is a good idea to think about the material of the door itself. It will have more of an impact than you might know.
To get the right material, it is a good idea to know what the advantages of each type are. The two most popular kinds of materials for sliding closet doors are: wood and metal. Some of these doors may even appear as if they are built out of the same types of materials even though they are not. The colors and the stains of the doors you choose will help to create a different look when they are used in your bedroom. Whether you are looking to install a door with a mirror or something which is more contemporary, the material that the door is made from will play a factor in the overall effect that you are looking to achieve.
The Advantages of Wood
Wood is one of the classic kinds of materials used for sliding doors interior designers prefer. These doors are made by a wide variety of suppliers and come in a wide range of looks. You can choose the color schemes and other factors for the one which will look best in your home. These doors are normally inexpensive and can occasionally be found on sale. You can easily tack things like pictures to these doors using a push pin or a nail. You also have the ability to hang a mirror should you decide later that you need some help getting ready in the morning.
The Advantages of Metal
If you are looking for something more contemporary, you might buy metal doors. These can be purchased direct from the manufacturer or in home improvement stores. While some of these doors might still have wood interiors, many are simply hollow metal. These can be etched, painted or decorated in other ways. The reason why these are great bedroom sliding doors is because of their versatility. They can easily be used as a manual or automatic sliding door. You can also affix magnets to these doors to easily attach notes or pictures without damaging the door. Best of all, these doors have a fire protection element which can help to save your clothes in case there is a fire in your hom
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