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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Troubled Relationship Poems - Let Out Your Emotions And Feel Better

f you currently having troubles in your relationship, it is good to take time and reflect where you are with your relationship. Having a good relationship with your partner is not easy. It is a continual balance of you and your partner's needs. One of the best ways to ride out your relationships is to let your feelings out. Letting your feelings out will make you feel good about yourself.
If you're the creative type, writing a poem is a good way of expressing your feelings. It is quoted by the famous poet, Emily Watson, "...the heart speaks the language of love that is best expressed by poems...". Poems about relationships have been written for centuries from all over the world. In fact, some of the most famous poems are about relationship troubles.
Once you have finished writing your poem, share your poems with family and friends. Sharing your thoughts will make other people understand your problems and struggles. The way you express your thoughts in a poem can have a more meaningful impact than if you just say directly how you feel.
Poems can also help to understand how your partner feels about the relationship. For example, try to write a poem about how he/she is feeling about the relationship. Writing in their perspective can make you see the difficulties they are facing and how you had affected them.
Your poems don't have to be miserable or sad. You could write a funny poem about the relationship. Whatever you want to write it is basically up to you.


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