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Thursday, 2 June 2011

Using Private Label Rights Software

Buying and using private label rights software can be a powerful resource, especially if you match one of the following criteria: You don't have the time, knowledge, resources, and money to spend on creating content and your own products, or if you do and you just want to use the power of leverage to accelerate your online business to the next level.
Private label rights offer the savvy internet marketer an opportunity to spend a little bit of money and get a large amount of money in return. This is what we like to call positive ROI on steroids. Keep reading to learn 3 tips that will help you make money using other people's stuff.
Think of your target market's wants
It's all about the customer. I'm sure that you've heard this saying before, but it means a lot more than you may realize. In order to truly make money quickly online, it's important to get in front of those people who are buying things that they want to buy and do so on a regular basis. A few examples of this are diet and fitness programs, ways to make money whether this is online or off, and ways to feel, look, and live better. If you're able to provide them with a solution that helps them see the results they want faster, you will make money.
Enter private label rights software
This is where PLR software comes in. The whole idea behind software is that it automates processes that normally take a long time and it makes it easier to see results. For example, you can purchase PLR software that helps someone count calories, create a specialized diet, and ultimately help them lose weight for less than $20 that you can give to them for free.
Something else that you've probably heard before is "the money is in the list". So instead of offering just a guide or something someone has to actively engage themselves in as a list builder freebie, what if you offered them free software that significantly makes it easier for them in their quest to lose that last 10 pounds that takes little effort to use? Your list building results are suddenly multiplied because conversions have been proven to increase when private label rights software is given away versus plain information.
Take it to the next level
Now think beyond just building a list - we're talking about the whole sales funnel - a real online business that makes you money on auto pilot every single month. If you're on point, you guessed it. You can buy entire websites from squeeze page to product to backend autoresponder sequences, all based around PLR software. Say you are targeting other internet marketers. You offer them a WordPress plugin that increases on-page conversions as a freebie, on the thank you page you have a one-time offer for another piece of software that brings them targeted traffic on autopilot. It normally sells for say $77 or higher, but you'll sell it to them for less than $27. It's an awesome deal that makes it easier for your customers to achieve the results they want.


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